Kunal, it's 10 years already in heading grenke’s UAE Sales. Has the business changed for You over the last decade?


Of course Yes, when I was offered to take the opportunity of Sales Director UAE, the challenge was not to sell. It was to spread the word about ‘Doing business differently’. The challenge was accepted and there was No Way Back. The traditional business of buying and selling was difficult to change but not impossible. The asset ownership mindset was difficult to change. Grenke’s unique business model for this market, and with technology evolving at a rapid pace helped and added to our advantage where companies accepted leasing as their best option


Do You feel that grenke influenced the local buying mindset and change it towards more lease friendly?


Over the years, this has come a long way. We still have a long way to go though! When we started this business in the local market, the preferred way for businesses was to source assets on cash. Our challenge was to share and educate clients about the benefits of sourcing on a long-term lease and keeping cash as Cash is King! Our product's friendliness helped many companies flourish and expand businesses with the leasing solution we offered in the market.


Yes indeed, it helped a lot of entrepreneurs around UAE, but do you see still a place for improvement? Any particular field for us in UAE to explore more?


Our company is a big supporter of a clean and green environment, which is goal oriented. With this comes products, which support clean energy be it from Solar or LED technology or E-Bikes. The long-term lease solution from grenke for solar energy is helping our customers to reduce their carbon footprint, save energy costs and use Grenke to reach their CO2 emission goals. It’s a start in this line of products and we are confident to help and reach sustainable goals for companies who have similar objectives.


You are almost 20 years in Dubai. Have you reached all your personal and business goals in terms of living in the UAE?


Living in UAE is living a dream, staying in such a diverse, multicultural environment is an experience of a lifetime. I am blessed to have this opportunity and work with Grenke, have good friends here, and enjoy everyday life ☺


Speaking about living the dream in UAE. Aside of grenke what’s your favorite activity to perform after working hours?


Well, aside from Grenke, which is very difficult, I love spending quality time with family, meet friends and play Tennis within our group at our community courts, which is very entertaining after a long day at work.