Loraine, You are with us for more than 1.5 years. How will you describe working here in a couple of words?


Everything happens at the time it needs to happen.” I was never sure of what exactly I wanted to do and to be in my 13 years of being an employee not until I knew grenke. It may sound cheesy but indeed, it is a “destiny”. I never thought that I would be able to land in the industry that I have loved to learn outside the career path I have been in. Moreover, being with grenke for almost 1.5 years now is just Amazing… I am so grateful and happy to be finally on the right career path, which I can confidently say that I would never get tired of doing/learning. In addition, something to be proud of is to be with wonderful people who support work and life balance.


In grenke, after 1, 5, or 10 years we never stop to learn. It's all about EXPLORING. What you have found recently most challenging in Your daily work?


For me everything I do at work is a challenge, considering I am new to the industry and that most of the terminologies including the processes are new. However, I am not new to the Sales division. In my experience and observation, Sales, Administration, and Finance have always had challenges to face. Being a team player, I have to most of the time find ways to communicate or settle things where I will be able to fulfill each requirement within our quality and standards Not only that, I also need to do the same to our partners. And I know this will always be the challenge that I have to face in my daily routine but is something to look forward to as the saying, “Challenges make us discover things that we never really knew and most of it is an opportunity.”


grenke is all about opportunities. How will You see Yourself 5 years from today?


In my 1.5 years aside from the grenke Middle East team full support at work. I have already witnessed a couple of changes that direct towards improvements in the processes, which helps us employees to be more efficient, consistent, and effective in delivering our Quality Management internally and externally. In many different companies where most of the pieces of training happen physically, in grenke it is never a hindrance to continuously remind and provide many training's online. We can do it at our most convenient time, which allows us to focus, remember and apply it in our daily tasks. In addition, grenke Baden Baden/headquarters consistently updates us in many ways like inviting and communicating all the happenings in grenke world. With all of that, I can visualize myself in the next 5 years developed professionally and personally. Lead Internal Sales and supports each division of grenke with resilient confidence.


Speaking about resilience. In UAE job of Internal Sales is a complex task to do. Besides credit checks and settlements, in general, You have as well coordinated the whole sales process with customers and suppliers. Do You find it tough?


Yes, it is very tough at some point, and in an honest opinion; things will be very difficult to settle without genuine teamwork and guidance from everyone. Considering now I am only one Internal Sales handling and supporting three branches, full teams. I am very much grateful for the set of teams we have and I would say that everyone is in the same spirit when it comes to reaching grenke targets/goals. However, it is lonely to be alone in your department, right?…kidding aside, having second Internal Sales would add value and boost every aspect that would contribute to the required transformations and growth of our company.


Your wishes might soon materialize. On a side note, what do you like to do in Your free time?


Aside from spending most of my free time with my 2 kids who are on the stage of talking and asking crazy questions of course going to different places with family is always my favorite. I love watching the sun, sitting in the park, beach or any place where I can be able to enjoy scenic views with a cup of coffee is just peaceful. To sum it up, I just want to relax, detox my mind and enjoy every bit of it